Potency: norm and pathology, causes of sexual weakness

A man with restored good potency

Even relatively young people experience sexual weakness - medical statistics show that 39% of men after the age of 40 have been treated for impotence, and after 50 - already 69%. However, it is worth noting that a significant part of those who have "discovered" erectile dysfunction, in fact, simply need a proper rest and a revision of the usual, but unhealthy lifestyle. It should be borne in mind that the standard of potencyno, and if someone can and wants to have sex three times a day, then for others once a week is enough. It all depends on the gender constitution.

In addition, sexual activity is affected by age, temperament, lifestyle and relationship in the couple. Statistics show a wide range in terms of the norms of numerical indicators in the intimate life of different people. Let me give you some of them:

  • the approximate frequency of sexual contacts among men in puberty is from three times a day to once a month;
  • for 30-45-year-olds, sex once a week does not mean weakened potency - only if it happens less often, doctors suggest a deviation from the norm;
  • boys under 30 make love three times a week, men aged 30-60 - from two to three, after 60 - three times a month;
  • impotence caused by psychological reasons is registered only in every fifth case, most often the reason is poor physical health.

Signs of potency deviation from the norm

Let's look at 5 different cases of potency disorders to understand what external signs indicate simple fatigue and stress and what signals serious disorders in the body.

  1. There is practically no spontaneous erection, as well as psychogenic (from thoughts) and reflex (from touches), the penis has stopped "getting up" in the morning.

    Vascular pathologies are most likely to blame: atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease. Venous disorders are possible: often erectile blood simply does not remain in the erect penis, but immediately leaves it through the dorsal vein.

    Smoking worsens vascular problems: the arteries of the smoker's penis narrow by half, which means that the erection will be half as weak.

    How to help yourself:If you feel unwell, you should measure your blood pressure and if you notice changes in it, consult a doctor immediately. It is worth changing your diet, reducing to a minimum fatty meats and fast carbohydrates (sugar and products containing it) and do not forget to give up smoking. If you cannot quit smoking on your own, you should first consult a psychotherapist or use a replacement therapy, for example, a nicotine patch. With venous outflow of blood, doctors often prescribe resection (removal) of the dorsal vein through which the outflow occurs.

  2. Spontaneous and morning erections are fine, but when stroking they do not appear or disappear at the first frictions.

    This appears to be a typical case of psychogenic ED associated with self-doubt, anxious anticipation of failure, or fear of partner displeasure. Potency is also impaired due to constant fatigue and insufficient sleep.

    Solution of the problem:you need to give your body a break. Do not believe that great people slept 4 hours a day and their quality of life did not suffer because of it. It is unlikely that you will solve global problems for which it is worth neglecting your health and natural needs. Sleeping 7-8 hours a day allows the body to recover and produce the necessary amount of testosterone for full-fledged sex. Quarrels and negativity in a relationship with a girl also affect potency, so it is better to limit communication that does not bring joy and pleasure.

  3. Attraction appears less and less, and in order to achieve an erection, you have to make an effort.

    There is a shortage of male sex hormones - androgens, mainly testosterone. This happens both due to old age and obesity, excessive use of alcohol or anabolic steroids. Many athletes, in pursuit of the highest results, are deprived of normal potency; Anabolic steroids act similarly to testosterone and their use provokes a decrease in the production of this hormone in the body. In essence, taking anabolic steroids is chemical castration.

    How to get your libido back:get rid of excess weight, but you will have to do this without the help of chemical "crutches", that is, drugs to quickly burn fat and gain muscle mass. An excellent solution would be to visit an endocrinologist for examination, instead of blindly trying to changeyour hormonal balance Remember that the maximum safe dose of alcohol per day is the equivalent of 30 ml of pure alcohol.

  4. The attraction is there, but the erection comes on slowly and disappears quickly.

    Nerve conduction appears to be impaired; This happens in diabetes, sciatica or after spinal injuries, when areas of the spinal cord are affected, through which the signal for sexual arousal passes from the brain to the penis.

    How to increase potency:visit an andrologist and neurologist, get rid of sciatica, conduct auxiliary therapy using vibration stimulation. The receptors of the head of the penis are very sensitive to vibrations, the excitation that occurs in them is transmitted to the cavernous nerves of the penis, and it is possible to bring the organ into an excited state even in difficult cases.

  5. The erection weakens, unpleasant pains appear in the lower abdomen, urination becomes frequent and in small portions.

    Signs very similar to the beginning of prostatitis. Although the arousal mechanism itself is not disturbed, due to poor health, sex simply fades into the background. By the way, the beginning of the development of prostatitis is often indicated by an unusually rapid ejaculation. However, similar symptoms can also indicate a sexually transmitted infection.

    What to do:see a urologist, get your prostate checked, and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Do not delay the visit to the doctor: sexually transmitted infections provoke the development of prostatitis, and in an advanced form, the prostate tissue changes irreversibly, which can lead to the appearance of incurable impotence. In the early stages, inflammation of the prostate gland is treated successfully and almost painlessly.

For all the listed types of potency disorders, a healthy lifestyle and regular quality sex will be a good help in its recovery. The level of testosterone in the blood depends on the frequency of intimate contacts - the more frequent they are, the more hormones are released into the blood, and vice versa - the less frequent sex is, the less androgens that are so necessary for a man are produced.